The company has grown since it was founded in January, 2000 – with offices around the world, an experienced staff, and a service portfolio that encompasses almost every aspect of information security assessment, testing and evaluation. Our mission is to provide our customers with professional and independent advice on information security in order to empower their business and operations. From our very first project to our current global business activities, we have always followed these principles:

We know the business
atsec knows the worldwide information security assessment, testing and evaluation business very well. With a multinational staff, it is only natural that we feel comfortable operating internationally. We are a company with global reach.

We act with integrity
Information security assessment, testing and evaluation is a high-integrity business and trust is key. All atsec employees are committed to sustaining the highest degree of integrity in our client relationships. We are devoted to delivering the highest quality in a timely manner.

We stay focused
atsec colleagues are information security experts. As such, atsec focuses solely on security assessment, testing and evaluation. We do not provide services in any other areas, and we do not sell hardware, software, or any other ware.

We are independent
We are not affiliated with any hardware or software vendor, and we never will be. Our credibility as security experts hinges on that independence. Our customers can rely on us to be objective. We have no interest in selling anything other than our security assessment, testing and evaluation expertise.