{"id":3193,"date":"2019-05-15T16:43:00","date_gmt":"2019-05-15T14:43:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/webdev.atsec.us\/?p=3193"},"modified":"2024-08-19T20:41:11","modified_gmt":"2024-08-19T18:41:11","slug":"international-cryptographic-module-conference-2019-in-vancouver-canada","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/webdev.atsec.us\/international-cryptographic-module-conference-2019-in-vancouver-canada\/","title":{"rendered":"International Cryptographic Module Conference 2019 in Vancouver, Canada"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

After a day of pre-conference workshops, the 7th International Cryptographic Module Conference (ICMC) was kicked off this morning with a welcome address from atsec’s VP and Lab Director Yi Mao.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


(from left to right: Renaudt Nunez, Stephan Mueller, Fiona Pattinson, Swapneela Unkule, Yi Mao)

\u00a0Yi Mao’s Opening Speech for the ICMC 2019:<\/strong>

“Good morning everyone!

Welcome to the 2019 International Cryptographic Module Conference! This is the 7th ICMC. It\u2019s a great honor to announce the opening of this exciting conference. This is the first time that the conference is hosted on the west coast, to attract more attendees from the Eastern Hemisphere.
This year we have roughly 350 attendees coming from 24 countries. This conference offers 95 presentations by 115 expert speakers. They are scheduled in six pre-conference workshops and continued through the upcoming three-day conference covering ten content tracks. They range from Certification Programs, General Technology, Post-Quantum Crypto, Embedded Crypto, to Random Bit Generators, Open Source Crypto, Advanced Technology, Attacks to Crypto Modules, End User Experience, and the Crypto Enterprise Showcase.

The ICMC has been a wonderful annual gathering platform for the CMVP, labs, vendors, researchers, and users where we share our passion for cryptography, discuss challenging problems, and work together to find sensible solutions.\u00a0

For people who have been attending the ICMC in the past few years, this is a re-union event we look forward to. For our new friends, congratulations on your first exciting step into the cryptographic module validation community.\u00a0

Before the ICMC era, like many CST lab managers, I was often under a huge pressure to meet the CMVP\u2019s requirements without having an upset vendor. A validation project often turned into a battle field where the CMVP demands and the vendor fights back. ICMC has been and is instrumental to brings experts and practitioners together to listen and to be heard. The open dialogs help each other to understand multiple parties\u2019 different viewpoints and unify the community.

At the ICMC, we have started lively discussions on several important Implementation Guidance (IGs), as well as initiated the Crypto Module User Forum (CMUF) monthly meetings and many of its working groups. In a few minutes, you will hear key updates on the status of the CMUF. What starts at the ICMC is carried on throughout the year in our daily work until we gather together again to report on our work and congratulate each other\u2019s achievements.

Entropy sources and the related IGs is one of the key discussion topics at the ICMC. IG 7.18 was just published last week to enforce NISP SP 800-90B compliance. It will co-exist with IG 7.15 for the next eighteen months and will then replace it. IG 7.14 remains to be valid.

FIPS 140-3 has long been expected. Back in 2016, we even had a \u201cpresidential level debate\u201d on whether or not to adopt ISO\/IEC 19790, and the majority of conference attendees voted for the adoption for FIPS 140-3. The very recent announcement of FIPS 140-3 on May 1 in the Federal Registry Notice proves that the voice of this conference is valuable to the decision makers.

As the ICMC continues on in many years to come, I have no doubt that not far from now FIPS modules will be in the cloud, because we are starting to take on this challenge at this conference.
Last but not least, NIST is ready to switch from the CAVS Tool to an Automated Crypto Validation Protocol (ACVP) for algorithm testing. It is a small step for all of us to adopt this change. It is a giant leap for NIST and the CMVP. This year\u2019s conference clip is dedicated to those who contributed to achieving this significant milestone.”<\/em>
