The Information Security Provider
atsec IT Security Blog
News about Common Criteria, FIPS, Conferences
and other topics revolving around IT security.
For a non-paginated list of all of our blog posts, head over to our Blog Archive page.
The IoT Security Global Certification Challenges
With IoT devices now integral to our lives, how will we protect the data they collect from cyber criminals?
CEST (Confidential Evaluation of Software Trustworthiness) project finished
The Confidential Evaluation of Software Trustworthiness research project has been completed!
atsec Attended the Omnisecure conference in Berlin
The Omnisecure conference focused on how to handle classified information, and atsec attended to present and learn!
MOVEit Vulnerability
While many have been impacted by the MOVEit vulnerability, atsec is unaffected.
atsec at the EU Cybersecurity Act Conference and Crypto Module Day
atsec recently attended two conferences focused on upcoming EU cybersecurity regulations.
atsec information security at the Milan Security Summit 2023
atsec was excited to attend the in-person Security Summit in Italy, which featured amazing cybersecurity talks.
atsec information security is now operating a Certification Body accredited according to ISO/IEC 17065
atsec is now officially accredited as a certification body by SWEDAC!